5/6 weeks... over thinking and extremely anxious


I found out that I was pregnant last Thursday 8/22.. two pregnancy texts with very bold lines. From the app info it said I should be between 5-6 weeks. The next morning I was bleeding a little so I went to the hospital, they said it could be called “a threatened miscarriage” but everything looked okay, my HCG levels were in the 600s and that they wanted me to get my levels checked out soon to make sure they rise. Scheduled a doctors appointment but it isn’t for a week after being seen in the doctor.

While at the hospital they took a normal US and a vaginal US. But since then I have had light pink/dark brown/slight red spotting. Not enough to soak anything only when I wipe. And it’s not every time that I do go and wipe. I did also pass maybe 2/3 tiny clots the size of a grain of salt/pepper but nothing consistent. I’ve read so many things about how it could be a miscarriage and then some on how it’s normal. Anyone experiencing anything like this? Or previously did. Please help with my racing mind. I’m panicking. This is my first pregnancy and I’m so happy. I really want to be pregnant and go on to having a healthy baby.

My symptoms are:

Very sore breasts


Stomach discomfort (feels like my stomach is pulling)

Very light cramps
