33 wks 3 days


I know you ladies will understand with what I’m saying. So I just need to let it out. I have a doctors note stating I work 30 hrs a week and I need a 15 minute break every 4 hrs. The past 2 days I haven’t had that break...which means I’ve worked 6-8 hrs without resting (I should mention I work physically with autistic children). My Braxton Hicks were at an all time high today, I’m talking every 5,10,20 minutes apart consistently throughout the day. The back pain is unreal, the pelvic pressure is huge and I just feel downright exhausted and mentally defeated. My OB is amazing and put me on a monitor, reassured me that they aren’t real contractions...but I’m overdoing it which is setting off the BH like crazy. Baby has flipped and is lying low, which is why I’m feeling the pelvic pressure and have lightening crotch. I’m just feeling mentally drained at this point. Anyone else feel me???