face it

Face it

He isn’t happy with you. He doesn’t care ab you unless it’s convenient for him. It’s sad, I know. But you gotta pull yourself together. Never let someone effect your happiness. No one is worth that.

You’ll never be enough for him. You’ll never be his one and only. You’ll never even be his true love, even if he asks for your hand in marriage. You just simply aren’t enough for him, in his mind.

Truthfully, you are enough for him. More than enough. And you fucking know that. Girl, get it together. He has done you so wrong multiple times.. HE DOESNT LOVE YOU. He says he does... but you would never do those things and continue to do them to someone you love. He may like you.. he may enjoy goofing around with you every once in a while. He may like to fuck all these different ways and make you feel all these different ways every single time. BUT. You are more than just a fuck toy, a laugh when he’s bored and someone he can sometimes accidentally put a lot of shit on your shoulders... but you deserve the same back.. if he loved you, he’d understand that with out you even having to explain it over and over. You are wonderful and the fact that you still choose to follow your heart and stay with this boy and ignore all of the bs that happens sometimes, says so much ab you as a person. You are great. Love him and love him hard because when he finally leaves you, it will feel better knowing you loved him as much as you could... vs. if you would have loved him harder maybe he would have stayed. So let go, be free and love till you have no more love to give.

Helping someone by loving them and caring for them can do a lot for a person. Give him all you can before he goes. And when he wants to go. Let him go, rainy. Let him go. Let him realize how deeply you really did love him. Let him reflect and let him learn from it. And pray that he then loves as hard as you taught him to. Pray that he gives that love and care to the woman he marries.

Then you’ll be able to say you help someone and die happy that it was the one person you loved most.