Another baby but I want more than being a GF


So I just find out that I am pregnant with my second child. I went to the doctor and they said I am 5-6 weeks along. My last period was in July23. I keep replaying the same picture in my head how am I pregnant? My boyfriend and I we have a 14 months old baby. He is a great men and all and try his best but somehow we both know that we don’t want to the same thing. We been together for 2 years and 3 months. I want to get married one but he thinks I am crazy cause to him he is the type of person that just want to stay in a relationship for whatever long and not believe in marriage. I definitely did not plan on getting pregnant again because I plan on going to grad school in the spring 2020 after graduation this fall 2019. But to my knowledge I will be due the end of April or beginning of May. Am I wrong to be somebody wife one day? Because I don’t just want to be the mother of his children’s or a girlfriend living together I want to be more. I am not forcing him to Married me or because every time we talk about wedding or someone wedding he make it seems like it will never be him and I should not be all aww I want that. I am 23 years olds soon to be 24. I don’t want to waste my. Time with someone for the next 10 years to be like damn I could of already married the men of my dream being a wife and start a family. I love my boyfriend with all my heart but I don’t want to live a what if? And wish type of life. Told myself willing to go 5 years in a relationship to see what’s next.