FTM question!


So on Monday I had a growth US because baby is measuring pretty big. Turns out he’s in the 81st percentile 🙃 So they’re thinking he will be 9/10 lbs by 40 weeks. Well Tuesday morning around 7:30 I had two contractions. Yes I believe they were contractions because the pain stopped me in my tracks. Braxton Hicks have never hurt only have made my stomach uncomfortably tight. These suckers hurt. I drank some water and felt fine until about 11:30 am. They had come back. I met up with my SO for lunch and ended up telling him I’m going to go home and take a bath and drink some water to see if they go away! There were two hours that had 5+ and all other hours didn’t make it to 5. I didn’t want to call because it didn’t seem consistent enough and the pain wasn’t unbearable. I also had an OB appointment scheduled for the next morning. I ended up going to bed after I felt like they slowed down which was around 9:30/45 and I woke up Wednesday morning with nothing.

I told my OB everything and she said they for sure sounded like contractions and suggested next time I come in just Incase, and that if I wanted to labor at home after they checked things out, that would be okay. Today I have felt two of what I think feel like contractions again. I’m waiting until there are at least five before I call.

So here’s my question. Obviously it wasn’t real labor because it never got too intense and eventually went away, however has anyone experienced this and then gone into labor a few days later? I’m not worried about going into labor and I really don’t mind if he wants to stay in a bit longer!! He will for sure come when he’s ready. I’m just curious if anyone else has experienced this before and what there outcome was!