Weird in-laws.

Okay, so the other day my husband got a text message from his mom, and I leaned over to read it cause it was on the table i opened it cause it had my name in it, and it said “Todd (husbands stepdad) is really mad because cara(which is my 2 year old daughter) didn’t give him a hug today, and she was acting different, if Lisa (my name) is coaching her then we will have serious problems! Okay so I told my husband he needs to tell them something like why the hell would I coach my daughter to be rude? Maybe she just didn’t want to give a damn hug that day. I texted his mom myself and said I find it rude that you text your son and not ask me yourself I said I’m not coaching her to do shit, she’s a 2 year old!!! I said she does that with my parents and me sometimes but do we all cry and pout about it no?! Then she replies “well she was acting different and your coaching her” at this point I explained I’m not coaching my 2 year old to be ugly to anyone I’m a busy mom all day I don’t have the time to sit there all day and teach my daughter to be ugly plus like she’s gonna remember anything I tell her if so. 😑😑😑 I told them she won’t be going over to there house if that’s the case, it really offended me for them to actually think that about me and funny that they text him and not ask me smh what would y’all do in a stupid situation like this? And I let my daughter go over to their house so they can spend time with her but apparently their observing her and thinking she’s being different. 🤦🏻‍♀️