Would you let your mother in law take your baby to the pool without you?


I’m leaving my son with my MIL for the first time. And she makes me uncomfortable. She would rather just do something wrong then text or call me to ask a question. She also never asks me if she can do something with him she just tells me she is. Example “I’m going to the park with him” “when he stays with me we will be going to the pool”. I think I would just rather her ask me if it’s okay. I just think that maybe the pool or the park isnt the biggest deal but if she already isn’t asking us permission to do things with him, what else will she do? Also, she is older & has trouble sometimes carrying him up the stairs. So I feel a little uncomfortable with the idea of them in the pool. But I’m also thinking...maybe I’m just overreacting because her & I don’t have the best relationship.

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