Mucus Plug ? (30 weeks & 6 days)


So I just need some ideas on what to do & if it was my mucus plug .

I was using the restroom & I when I wiped , my discharge was clear & very snot-like . It was thick & sticky too . Was this my mucus plug ?

Past pregnancy background:

I had my first son at 35 weeks & 3 days .

I went into labor with him starting at 30 weeks w/ irregular contractions (1cm dilated & 50% effaced) .

Second time I went into labor was at 33 weeks w/ regular contractions (3cm dilated & 80% effaced).

Third & last time I went into labor was at 35 weeks & 3 days (was 4-5cm dilated & 100% effaced when I first went into the hospital having strong , regular contractions.

Son was born 6lbs & 11ounces .

Current pregnant background:

Pretty good & completely different from 1st pregnancy ; no contractions or Braxton Hicks , healthier eating habits , less stress . Doctors did find that my cervix thickness was 1.9cm (lower than normal , normal for 28 weeks is 2.5 they said) & they said that I’m already about a finger open on the inside of my cervix , but it’s “normal for women who have already had babies” .