Marriage and pregnancy


I am 24+4 and I’m sitting in the bathtub for probably a hour because it’ll probably be the most eventful thing of the weekend. So far each weekend has been a rerun of doing nothing. My husband and I may go out to eat and that’s it or he may say “tonight we would have definitely been going out if we could” (if I could drink and party) he has not thought of one thing for us to do downtown or anywhere else any of the weekend nights, not even an attempt. I guess the only thing I was good for is drinking dancing and still eating. I’m so disgusted. It doesn’t help we live out of state with no family or friends. He’s just fine staring at the tv or playing the game the entire weekend because he is so happy to be off work. I’m suffering.

Thank you for letting me vent

(Flight Attendant on maternity leave since 6weeks pregnant)