I need your help!


Let me start off by giving a little bit of background information.

I’m a 22 year old female with a fiancé and two kids (2 year old & 6 month old).

I used to be toned without having to do a thing. Pre-pregnancy, teenage years, am I right?!

Obviously now, I struggle a bit.

I can fit exercise in. That’s not a problem. My fiancé watches the kids (asleep) while I go for a fast-paced walk up an incline along the beach at night (maybe 4 times a week?)

The problem is the food side of things. It’s not so much the prep, but the cost. Everything is so expensive!! My 2yo hates just plain meat and vegetables, so I always have to put his with rice and sauces. And even then, sometimes he won’t eat it. He’s a picky eater like his Dad, so then, I have to cook two seperate meals, which adds more cost.

Now, all I really want help with is dinner ideas that won’t cost an arm and a leg, and lunch ideas that don’t require much prep (I’m generally VERY busy around this time of the day!)