😞 I just want to be a mom......

My husband keeps saying “soon” and “eventually.”

His best friend’s wife gave birth today. They FaceTimed us in the hospital this evening so we “met” their baby boy...... I was almost in tears so in love with this little guy already, and thought for sure wow this is going to be my husband’s epiphany “wow I want a baby too” moment.

When I asked him if this made him want a baby more he said “eh, not really.”

😢 I know I can’t make him want it..... but it just breaks my heart. When will it be my turn?

Edit to answer questions: we of course talked about it before getting married, he definitely does want kids but not yet. I am in my low 20s and he is mid 20s so we are both pretty young. Not like we’re “running out of time” or anything, and that’s his reasoning... but that doesn’t make me want it less right now.