Negatory tests... But?

I've been nauseous since about Wednesday and urinating frequently since about Thursday. I noticed my nipples were sensitive, which is highly unusual for me, when I took a shower about an hour ago. Also the veins in my arms are super visible all the sudden.

But I've been through a living nightmare this past week. 2 wrecks(whiplash from the first), 1 almost wreck that I avoided, I locked myself out of the apartment, sinusitis and ear infections, and I broke the can opener trying to make myself dinner...

Had to go to the ER for x-rays(neg pregnancy test beforehand) to make sure I didn't have any fractures(Drs orders) But at least when I went to the Dr yesterday and they checked my urine for a UTI, it was negative. But sadly when they checked it for pregnancy, it was also negative.

I'm sorry, I'm rambling now.

What I mean to say is, my symptoms now, the urination, the nausea(especially at the thought of food and I'm overweight, I love food), the sensitive nipples, and the super veins. Ya think I'm pregnant? I'm also suppose to start on Sept 6th-7th according to a couple of apps, the apps say I ovulated on Aug 22nd/24th and the last day of my last AF was Aug 15th if that helps any.

Thanks in advance <3