Guess what???????????

4 months ago I wasn’t feeling to good. I noticed that the food that normally me and my bae would get. Did not sit well in my stomach 🤢. So I started thinking 🤔 am I pregnant? Nah.... I can’t be the food must be bad today. So, I brushing it off . A week goes by ani noticed that the sun made me really weak and lightheaded. Normally that doesn’t happen. So I told my mom, she was like “oh my gosh!! You’re pregnant” like a teenager at concert about to get touched by Beyonce. 😂 and then I took the test (well 2 of them) they both said pregnant. And I suddenly realize that I have to tell him 😳 I was scared and nervous (only being 21). I didn’t know if he would stay or dip. So I finally got the courage to tell him. I wasn’t going to force him to do anything he doesn’t want to do,💯 he was speechless the he said “oh sh**” I immediately became sad. Because I didn’t know how to interpret that. So I got outta the car and went inside thinking the worst (which I shouldn’t did that) he called me later that day to come over to fully talk about it. So of course I went ☺️ he cuddles me I end up spending the night there. And all on his own he decided he wasn’t going anywhere without us🥰. My little family is forming and I blessed with all my heart ❤️ I get to meet my little angel in January 2020 😍😍☺️❤️❤️🥰🥰❤️❤️