Never been so scared

I work at a restaurant, while I’m at work, my parents watch my son. Occasionally they stop by and eat while I’m finishing work and I take my son home.

Today, however, I drop my son off and I explain I’m going to work, but I’m doing errands instead of actually working - bank drops, flyers etc)

My parents were like, that’s cool, we are going furniture shopping we will probably drop D (my son ) off at your house when we’re done depending on the time.

Cool cool.

So I went and did my business..

I get back about 1:30 and text my parents to see where they were so I could figure out what my next step was.

Crickets. No text nothing. (Not unusual, parents never look at the phone when you need them... amiright)

So I’m chillin, in the dark office keeping an eye on the door and the front. Minding my own business.

My parents walk in....


no cute toddler.. nothing..

Me: uhhhh where’s D?

Dad: OH MY GOD, where is D? - Looks ( dramatically) around- *asks mom* goes out into the lobby looking for the kid.

I’m just like someone needs to tell me where my kid is.

My heart stopped. I’m sure my face lost all color.

My mom- just looks at me all nonchalantly- oh, he’s with his daddy.

Y’all can’t scare me like that.

Not funny.

Not one bit.

I walk to the kitchen and there was my little boy all “hey mommy” like I didn’t just have a heart attack.

( guess I should mention here that hubby and I work together)

I explained to my dad- you don’t understand. I’ve never ever been close to “forgetting” my child anywhere, or leaving him anywhere. But my number one fear is exactly that.

You ever feel like you are forgetting something? If I ever feel that way, I’ll call my mom, text and ask for pictures of D to make sure he’s ok.

I triple check my car before I get out, before I lock it - I can have the kid in my arms and I still have to check.

So, doing that.. made it seem like my worst fear came true.

My dad was like- you know that if you’re at work, Denver is safe with us.

Well yeah, that’s why I leave him with y’all. But y’all can’t be scaring me that way.... ever....

I’m not mad at them by any means. I just scared the living daylights out of me.