There is no price or ring that could make love better


I am very fortunate to have an amazing husband who literally goes above and beyond for me and had my dream ring created for me. But no ring , size or clarity of a diamond will compare to the love I have for him and the love he has for me. Due to my seizure medications off and on I have night terrors lately it’s been pretty bad. Tonight woke up crying night sweats and all. Woke up my husband needless to say and he made sure I was okay sat me up made me a glass of water and just sat up with me held my hand and kissed my forehead. Then laid down with me and just held me a little tighter. He’s a crazy hard worker, tired all the time and not only building our house but among a million other projects. The fact he sat up with me and just made sure I was okay at 1 in the morning after working a 15 hour work day really means the world to me. It’s the little things and no material thing or ring could compare to this feeling ❤️ sap post I know