Possible emotional abuse

I’m struggling to make my marriage work. It’s been a long road up to this point and it’s hurting me to finally admit that I may be being emotionally abused. I am not perfect by any means! I react quickly and often have an attitude which there is no excuse for. I feel like I’m constantly being questioned by someone who claims “they’re just asking a question” anything from what are you doing? To why are you wearing that? There’s a constant negative overtone and nothing I seem to do is right. I wash all the dishes and he finds the one fork or wrapper I didn’t take care of. I always feel like I’m walking on eggshells and wondering what I do that is actually “right”. On top of all that he with holds love and affection from me KNOWING that is what I want /need He tells me bc of my behavior and “attitude” towards him I make it impossible for him to want to give me any of those things. We met with a counselor once and when she told him he “cheated” on me validated my feelings we left and he claimed to have felt judged and won’t go back. He also found out the chaplains aren’t licensed and therefore won’t talk with them Idk what to do