Pumping at night?


My baby has started sleeping from about 1030-430 without waking up (I nurse him at 430) and then it’s hit or miss if he decides he’ll go back to sleep after that. I don’t wake up to pump between his sleeping hours and I feel a little less zombie-like, but I feel like I’ve started to notice that I’m pumping less milk than I was before, and my breasts feel less full. My baby still has the same amount of wet/poopy diapers and seems to still be gaining weight fine, although I’ve judged this by holding him and stepping on my home scale.

Should I be pumping between 1030-430, or should I take advantage of the sleep?? Anyone care to share their experience or opinion? Thanks!

*Edit- I mostly breastfeed, but pump 1-2x a day to build up a supply for when I return to work