Question about hcg and pregnancy test


Hello so.i am 5 days late with my period I am never late maybe off my a day I ended up taking a life brand test and it came back with the faintest line like so faint you could just notice it. (Put picture under) well then I got clear blue 2 pack test the one with just positive negative and then a digital but they came up negative. I looked it up and apparently with clear blue you need more hcg then the one I used. Has anyone been 5 days late on period and got positive on other test and then negative on clear blue? Also the picture was taken with in 2-3 mins. I just fixed up the picture abit so you.could see colour better. Please if anyone has had any thing like this happen please comment. Hubby and I have been trying for 3 years in January we have seen fertility doc and made a plan for him to cycle track me but cant do that till my period comes. Thanks in advance