Would you find this weird?

So this girl I went to school with (whom I’ve never talked to, I just saw her around) to messaged me this this morning. From what I know of her, she seems cool and not crazy lol

We agreed to hang out at a bar, but my boyfriend finds it kind of weird and wants to come with.

I’m also a little hesitant because this happened a few years ago with this other girl that moved here, and I’m pretty sure she had a crush on me as she never approved of the guys I dated (I have good taste for the most part), she’d bring me food at work, and tell me she was horny and stuff 🤐. It ended with her randomly unfriending me, and I never noticed then she added me back saying she missed me.. but after a little while I blocked her because I was tired of her negativity.

I need friends as I’m super shy anyway and never go out, is it harmless?