I dated a married man...

Yes I dated a married man w/o knowing it at first. We work together and he was helping me out get situated at work. I was not flirting with him but I felt like he was. Anyways time passed I moved to another part of the office and still kept contacting since our department work together. After a couple of messages he finally gave me his phone and told me to text him. I texted him and we chatted for a couple of days...I asked are you single or what...he said I am happily married. I was like girl 🛑 he is taken so I told him that good and ended the convo and stopped talking to him ASAP bc I felt he wanted more than friendship. So a week or two passed and he texted me bc we crossed path in the office. He was like have not heard from you in a while and I was thinking how you where doing I responded to him and pushed back. Then he told me that he felt attracted to me and if that made me feel weird. I told him your married and I couldn’t do that, and he said do what? So I stopped texting him again, we got put in a same project and we started to chat a bit more he kept flirting with me and at point I think I flirted with him and it got to a kiss and then we started seeing each other after work, during lunch and break. I finally realized and saw what I was dragged into, I know I’m not the victim here. Despite hitting rock bottom, I don’t regret it. It took me weeks to crawl out of that hole. But finally, rather than envy his wife, I began to feel bad for her. She spent her nights lying next to a man who didn’t value or respect her. A man who had an affair, likely more than once. Their relationship was likely doomed, when my capacity and journey to love was just beginning.

This experience shaped me as a human being, as a grown woman. He isn’t the only charming man in the world. I will feel that rush and excitement of new love again, this time by a man who is available both physically and emotionally.

I learned to recognize my own value, I learned that I don’t need the approval of any man to be okay. I learned a lesson that will follow me for the rest of my life.

So if your in a similar situation don’t loose hope. Don’t settle for a man so cruel, so unavailable. Break away, learn to love yourself and learn how to be okay alone. Once you do this, you will attract the love you deserve.