OT: sahp suggestions


So I have been a sahm for the past 7ish years. I’ve had small part time jobs in that time but mostly at a drop in daycare so I could bring my kids. After our 4th baby I got so depressed and just angry with being stuck at home. My husband quit his job to stay home and I got a full time job. It went great for about 2 months and then I became pregnant with our 5th. Birth control apparently doesn’t like me since this is 3 out of 5 that I’ve gotten pregnant with while on some type of bc. Anyways, nothing gets done at home and he has already became depressed with feeling like he isn’t providing for his family. I don’t hassle him about dishes or laundry because I know how much work being a sahp is and didn’t want to discourage him. Now he’s all angry because all I do is work and he doesn’t get the help he needs. Explaining this to me he says “you didn’t even take the time to train me for this job” I was so excited to get out of the house I didn’t even think about it that way and sort of expected it to be common sense. I’m now sitting here trying to help make a daily schedule for him and the kids to help him see what needs to be done and of course when I get home I would be helping. It’s always been a routine for me and the kids and since he’s been home they have no want to help out with the daily things I had them helping with. They are more worried about the next episode of their tv show or video games. Which I limited all electronic time when I was home. We have an almost 8 year old, almost 7 year old, 3 year old and 2 year old. Any suggestions as to where to start with a schedule without having timing limits? Or I told him to find a job and I’ll come back home especially since our baby is due in November. I really want this to work but like I said it can be enough for a mother to stay at home so I understand where he is coming from with his complaints.