What should I do?


Why do we need a man to have a baby? My sperm donor has not lifted one finger to help through this whole pregnancy. Went to only 2 ultrasounds. And I get a lot of them bc of being 3x high risk. Hasn’t helped pay for anything. I didn’t have insurance the first 4 months so I paid out of pocket each visit and I saw my OB every other week as well as my MFM. Didn’t help pay for my insulin before insurance. Which my insulin was $300 every 15-20 days. And now I find out he bought himself a crib and car seat. Ha ha and his mom is throwing him a diaper party. Like wtf he hasn’t called or text to see how everything is. I mean doesn’t matter if he asks how I am doing but he doesn’t ask how the baby is or how appointments went etc. if I’m asked his sister asks. What makes him think I’m gonna just let him take MY baby? He has 3 roommates and all 4 of them smoke in the house. Really think I’m gonna let my baby in a house that’s walls are originally white and now are a dark yellow? Even the windows and ceiling fans are full of sticky thick dust. I’m so irate right now. Ugh 😑🤬🤬🤬😡😡😡

Should I just ignore him or tell him he has to take me to court if he wants to be apart of the baby’s life?

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