Vay • Mommy of Three ♥️ Laniya, Kayden && Kaylani

Hello I breastfed my LO for 9 1/2 months .. all thru out I would get really light bleeds all of the time... i left for 2 weeks for military training thats why we stopped/ anyway that whole two weeks i spotted and bled . After that Milk dried up and haven’t bled, started my period this morning, LORD IVE BEEN SO CRAMPY FEEL PAIN IN MY VAGINA, my two year old leaned on my lower belly and lord it hurt so bad 😭 Im also bleeding super heavy my regulat tampons are full with in 30 mins 😭 Is this normal when breastfeeding is over. Not sure where to post this sorry ! TMI but ive never been in this much pain during a period ever 😩😩