I finally left my abusive ex boyfriend and now...

i need your all’s help, please

so, when my baby was born, i started “jolting” it’s like when someone scares you and you jump. i lost ALL control of my body. it only happens when i first wake up. i have noticed it happens when i am under a lot of stress.

i was dating this guy, off and on while i was pregnant. he was involved when it was convenient for him. after our baby was born he was an EXCELLENT father. he was a changed man. BUT then, he stared drinking again and doing the same shit.

i dealt with it because i seen the way he loved our baby and i thought i was in love and i wanted our baby to have both of us.

he was physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive. we moved away for a few months due to him working on the road, he found a job back home so we just recently moved back, things were great for awhile, and then shit just went crazy.

when our baby was 7 days old, i dropped her on accident. i was making a bottle. i am not trying to justify anything, i feel absolutely awful. she had a skull fracture and a brain bleed. we took her to the emergency room. she was all healed at 6 weeks.

4 months later, i was carrying her rock n play in the living room due to my ex getting belligerent drunk and pissing the bed. i dropped her rock n play and she rolled out of it due to me jolting. i called her pediatrician and she said she felt like she was okay but if i wanted to ease my mind i could make her an appointment, i of course did. she was perfectly okay.

so, i FINALLY leave my ex and his family called DFS on me. DFS comes to investigate me and they do NOT find me to be unfit. he went an entire week without seeing our child. and then files and ex parte order of protection on me for our daughter.

we have court on the 3rd and i am literally losing my mind. i haven’t got to see my baby for a WEEK.

has anyone else ever had to deal with this and what was the outcome?

we live in Missouri and if the father is on the birth certificate, he has just as much right as the mother.