Breastfeeding struggles..

My baby is two weeks old in two days and breastfeeding has been my biggest struggle. Once she was three days old she started cluster feeding and it tore up my nipples due to a incorrect latch. In the hospital the lactation consultant didn’t help us latch and told me to read a pamphlet if I needed help. I’m a first time mom so that was extremely discouraging and I’ve lacked confidence in this breastfeeding journey. I have felt as though I am not giving my daughter what she needs and she’s starving so I try to do formula and breast. I just received my pump today and did 30 min on both sides and was only able to get a total of 3oz from both breasts in one sitting. Is this normal? How do I gain the confidence? How do I up my supply? I’ve cried so much about this. I really need some mommy support.