Anyone still BF there toddler or baby while pregnant?


My girl has just turned two 29th July, she wad also a late teether and ddnt get her first teeth til 14mnths! She is very much a titty girl. So move to nw she is still got teeth coming in and still finds the most comfort in BF. I lost my supply at 24wks pregnant... But she continued to nurse hoping it would come back lol (I discovered she was comfort nursing 😏) am 27wks now and today I got milk again! I thought id be dried up until baby was born but theres def something there not anything to quench ya thirst or anything yet but slowly is returning. Just in the nick of time too bcz shes had a real bad chesty cold n sore throat coupled with cutting two teeth in one week so shes been miserable. Im glad my milk can help boost her immunity to get over this cold quicker.

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