Gonna lose my virginity with my bestfriend

Hi :))

I just want honest helpful advice. I am 17 and my bestfriend is 18. He is older by 7 months. We have been bestfriends for the past 3 years. He knows all my problems and I know his. We are both attracted to each other and we think we may end up together in the future because our personalities fits so perfectly. I have dated other guys but I didn’t click with anyone like I do with him.I trust him more than anyone in this world. We are both virgins and we both want to lose it. He respects me and we have talked about it. He knows I am sensitive about sex because I don’t trust anyone so I know he will respect me. We both have never done anything and just want to learn with each other. I know most girls lose it to their boyfriend and this may be a weird situation to people but to him and me it makes perfect sense. We both knew it would eventually happen. I feel ready, I want to go for it. But there are so many questions. I am thinking of telling my mom because I feel like she wants an honest relationship between us, plus birth control would make this situation way safer.

I just want to hear it from strangers, that this situation isn’t crazy because its makes perfect sense to me.

Thank you for reading all of this 💗