boyfriend advice

me and my bf are in college and just got back from a long distance relationship where we only saw each other like once every two weeks. it was rough but we talked and decided we’d see each other more when we get back to school and things would be easier. now we are back I school and i’ve seen him the first day we got here (last saturday), some of sunday, wednesday, and then this friday, and i’m missing him. we were supposed to meet at a party yesterday but plans fell apart and he couldn’t get in so I didn’t see him. I asked him to come over today (our campus is big and the walk to my dorm is like 20ish minutes) and he said he’s too hungover and doesn’t wanna walk. he’s always really short with me and all my friends constantly question why he isn’t putting in effort. i’ve always been super nice to everyone and don’t want him to think i’m clingy so i tell him it’s fine and to feel better. idk what to do. I really really like him and want this to work. I just can’t help but to feel a little unwanted and like i’m making him a priority but i’m not one of his. I would drop anything for him, and I don’t feel as though he would do the same for me. advice? or do you think i’ve seen him enough and i’m just overreacting?