A year gone already....reflections and heartache 🥰💔


Hi mummies,

How is it that this time last year we were all anxiously awaiting our little miracles?! How has a whole 365 days nearly passed since we first laid eyes on our babies and felt the true meaning of love at first sight?

I know you’ll probably all join me in saying this but I have literally treasured EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of those days, even the harder days it’s all been so special.

You see, our baby girl Esmè was born on 6th September 18 and she was our last beautiful miracle as my husband and I now have four beautiful babies together. Our first year as a family of four has been amazing, like all mothers do I’ve still questioned things and it still hurts that I had to return to work when Esmè was only 4 months old but I know I made the right choices for my family so I get a little peace from that....😊

Her siblings love her so much and I couldn’t be a prouder mother at how we they adapted to a new baby sister at 9, 7 and 5....it’s like Esmé had always been with us and they’ve had to make sacrifices during her first year (less mummy time, no holiday and sometimes the odd night of being kept awake) but they’ve never complained once.

I’m so so lucky, I feel so blessed that we’ve given life to these beautiful babies but I’m having so much trouble accepting that Esmè was our last. This perfect year has been a year of firsts, but also so many lasts and with each last my heart has shattered into a million pieces...💔 time feels like it’s moving a breakneck speed and all these milestones seem to be flying by...I’m trying my best to grab every moment but I do feel a deep heartache that time seems to be getting away from me.

Unfortunately though, these really are lasts, my husband has definitely said no more children and I know he’s right...we have four perfect babies but.....

I wish I could have a hundred babies 💔💔💔💔

Thanks for reading and....HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY to our September babies ❤️