He's 39 I'm 25 he thinks I should leave him for someone without his issues.

He's officially an alcoholic. My partner suffered all sorts of abuse during his entire life from both of his parents and also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia as a result of marijuana use when he was 12 years old given to him by his mother. He is not a drug user. He is 39 years old and is terribly depressed and thinks himself a failure because of all his family he has had the least success. He has always been a heavy beer drinker having been raised in England. We moved to and are currently living in Cambodia almost 2 months ago. We had been living an absolute dream so in love and happier than ever. But since his mother passed a way

about 3 weeks ago to cirrhosis (also an alcoholic) he has started having flashbacks and episodes and of the crap she put him through and has been binge drinking for days straight. Sometimes he'll sober up for a day but then repeat the same cycle. It's been going on for about 2 weeks now. He has quit 2 jobs in the month due to waking up not sober on Monday morning. I dont  want to leave him because I know he needs love, support, and understanding. But he's mean when I ask him to stop and when he is sober or soberish he says I deserve better and that he told me from the start (since we began dating) that things would end badly and blames my feelings on me for pursuing him. He says he's never marrying or having babies and thinks that I should find someone who can give me that. But that's not what I want. I've been married and I'm now divorced. I dont want marriage either. I know I don't want kids for at least 7 years because I'm working on my career and am pursuing grad school and I'm not entirely sure I want kids. We've talked abou this before but he thinks I'm lying. Says I'm too good for him and deserve to have those things with someone more worthy. I love him. We're so very much in love. I know he loves me. I dont doubt it. But I don't know what to do. I'm looking at apartments tomorrow so i can move out hoping he'll realize what hes losing. But I'm afraid he's just going to let me walk away. I just want him to get better and come back to me. I miss him so much. I love him more than I can begin to explain. I wont ever love someone else this much I wont ever be the same after him. He's my once in a lifetime. He's I'll and depressed. When he's sober and when he's sobering up he loves me like he always has. He can't sleep unless I'm next to him in bed. The ugly part is when he's beginning to drink and once he's drunk. I wish he could see what I see when I look at him instead of seeing himself as a failure. I know he loves me and needs me. I know he's ill and needs help but I don't know what to do.