Can’t have a child free wedding and I’m a little bummed

Nicole • 27 ❤️ Milwaukee born and raised 🐄🧀🍻

So we are planning our wedding and we are planning on a very small wedding. I suggested having a child free wedding to a couple people. Two members of the wedding party refuse to use a babysitter ever. Their kids scream when they go to the bathroom and they can’t see them. So they both said they just won’t come. I would be so upset if they weren’t there so obviously the kids come with. And honestly I don’t mind kids. That’s not the issue. I don’t think they’re going to ruin things or anything although I’m not sure how the ceremony is going to go when their moms are standing up and they want to be by their moms. The thing about this is that having kids come means I will have to cut the guest list down in other places. Meaning some friends and family will not be allowed to come because if I have their kids I will need to allow everyone’s kids. I’m just feeling a little resentful. Am I just selfish? Am I justified in feeling this way? I’m feeling like a real asshole for having feelings about this.