Now what?

My husband and I have been together 7 years, we have 2 wonderful kids, he recently went on a bachelor party with some friends from high school and came home acting odd.

He told me he ran out of his antidepressant ( he has pretty bad anxiety) and hasn't been on it for about a week, then he decided to lay it on me that while he was on his trip, he realized he misses having affection and that he thought as time progressed with him and I that I would become more affectionate.

I've from the beginning have told him that I'm just not a affectionate person.

Now we don't know what to do.

I thought at first it was from him not taking his medicine and making him more emotional than usual but I don't want him to have to be on medicine to cope with me not being as affectionate as he'd like me to be.

We want to figure out how to fix this, especially for our kids.

It's just so hard, I don't want to pretend everything is okay when it's not.

I'm having a hard time right now even being in our house or sleep in the same bed as him.

I'm probably rambling and making no sense but I'm just extremely hurt and sad that this might be the end of our marriage.