Emotional rollercoaster 😭


Pictured: Friday..Saturday.. Monday😢

I went from being extremely happy/ planning how to tell hubby on our anniversary in a few days to extremely sad, to extremely upset/annoyed/beside myself within a few days... I thought I finally got my faint pink line.. I thought I finally got my second baby.. I thought I could finally make my son a sibling.. I thought I had finally got relief from my endometriosis.. I thought that HSG test really worked. I was over the moon. Only to be disappointed. I’m not sure if it’s the faulty lines on the first response or my body just didn’t take it. I was nauseous- flu like for days now today all I am is crampy/grouchy. My boobs are a little sore. I’m sure af will show on time(tomorrow) Feeling lost- after 2 years ttc 😣