“Vanishing Twin”! 😲


This is my first baby and I got my first ultrasound a couple days ago, and found out two surprises:

1. Calculating from the first day of my last period should’ve made me 8w5d along, but the baby actually measured only 6w2d. It’s because I have a longer cycle (35 to 39 days). So my due date went from April 6 to April 23. No biggie, more time for me to enjoy the experience!

2. See that smaller black circle in the center of the photo? The doctor said that is actually a “vanishing twin”, meaning I had twins but one went away naturally. It’s crazy how I definitely felt like I was only carrying one, but my mother-in-law kept having vivid dreams that I was having twins! Vanishing twins are supposedly pretty common but I hadn’t heard of it before.

I’m very happy with my first scan! we even got to hear a bit of the baby’s heartbeat. It was slow (117) but the doctor said that’s because it is still early and that it’ll pick up later.

Anyone else had “vanishing twins” happen?