No daddy issues but issues with mom

This is long so enjoy the story of distinction.

My mom tried to tell me I had daddy issues which I don’t. I have come to terms my dad will never be the father I need and I’m fine with him not in my life. I don’t need him.

I’ve tried having a a father daughter relationship with him but to hear him talk about my mom and what she did is annoying as hell. He tried telling me why they got divorced. It’s like I know why she divorced you because you’re abusive as fuck. I wanted to throw a party when she divorced him because I’ve been waiting for her to finally leave his ass. She said she was trying to stay for us but she finally opened her eyes.

Many times I have wanted to hit my dad on the back of the head and run away. It wouldn’t have worked because he would’ve caught it mid swing and I would’ve gotten my butt beat.

I was fine without him growing up and don’t need his presence cause he’s still toxic to be around.

Now with my mom we don’t see eye to eye. When I was sixteen she told me a guy needed to come to the door and speak before I leave anywhere. Well I had a guy friend come pick me up to go see a movie and he came to the door to meet my mother. She didn’t flip out or anything. Skip to when I’m 21 years old, I meet my current boyfriend at work. We were going to go hiking so I had to change shoes. He wanted to say hi to my mom and I’m like okay I am sure she’d like that. Boy was I wrong. She held the door shut and wouldn’t let me in or speak to my boyfriend. She said tell him to go back to the car and I did. She let me in so I could grab my shoes and some water. She yelled at me and I told her she was being a hypocrite.

Before my boyfriend left for his training for trucking he suggested I apply for domino’s. I didn’t have to apply but I did anyway to make more money. I applied to be a delivery driver and I made money out the ass especially on weekends. My mom was upset about it. She always told me to hustle and how she would get jobs. So I got the job and she’s pissed ? I was confused because I’m working and it’s a job. She got mad because she didn’t suggest it. She sent my boyfriend a rude text message. I apologized to him and his mom. Why his mom? Because his mom was nice enough to let me hang out at their house, eat dinner with them and sometimes spend the night. His mom and dad welcomed me so I told her my mother has nothing to do with how I felt about her son. I loved and cared about him and I wasn’t going to let my mom ruin that.

Now I’m twenty two almost twenty three in a few months. I’m currently eleven weeks pregnant. I don’t like how my mom is trying to say I’ll be a single mom even if my boyfriend is there. We were in public so I didn’t want to make a scene. He got a better job so we can provide for our baby. He’ll be a great father to our child. My mom thinks she knows everything about him when she hasn’t gotten to know him personally. My uncle is the one who sat down with my boyfriend and had a conversation with him.

My mom called me judgmental. She says I judge her baby sister. Well her baby sister is abusing prescription drugs and taking advantage of elderly people. It’s her life and karma’s a bitch. She said I judged my cousin for smoking weed. I didn’t all I said is that it’s not legal in the state so he should be careful because even if he had a small amount. They could still give him a long jail sentence. That’s me just worried about him so it doesn’t happen not to judge. He’s young and I’d hate to see his life waste like that. She said I judged her about buying my little brothers shoes. I was a teen and curious so I didn’t know my question seemed that way. I asked her why does she buy them expensive shoes that they don’t take care of? I genuinely wanted to know because some parents won’t buy kids expensive shoes because of that. Just like I wouldn’t pay for an ear piercing for a preteen or teen if they’re not going to take care of them. She said I judged my dad. I’m like first off this son of a bitch blamed me for a situation that happened in another state. Secondly I don’t want to be around toxic people. Third I don’t like how he was blowing my phone up at the ass crack of dawn just to yell about something my mother did. If I do come off as judgmental I will apologize but she says that about almost everything nowadays. She judges her cousin for being gay and refused to let her do my hair because of that and smoking weed. Just because I’m around her doesn’t mean I’m going to turn gay cause that’s not how that works. She said if one of her kids were gay that she’d disown them. I’m thinking well didn’t Jesus say we should love everyone which is what she likes to say all the time. She judged the name I picked up if I had a girl and I didn’t care for her opinion because I’m still going to use the name. She keeps asking when we are going to get married. I just tell her whenever he proposes and when we have the money saved up. I told my boyfriend I didn’t care if we went to the courthouse to get married. We mostly would have a wedding but my mom is trying to say we need to get married before the kid arrives. I’m no and if anyone called my kid a bastard they are automatically cut off. It’s that simple