Does anyone else feel judged for being in an LDR?


Or sick of being told it’s not going to work? I just feel I need to vent to others in an LDR!

I’ll explain my story- my partner left the UK to Australia in April 2018 for 3 years to study a PhD, part of that is a year in Indonesia to research, (which is where he is now until July 2020) He was chosen for a scholarship, so it is a fantastic opportunity for him - and our future together.

We were together for 2 years when he went, it was heart breaking for the 2 of us but we vowed to make things work whatever.

We have seen each other twice since then. We are a strong couple with a deep connection and so in love. I am now saving to go out to Indonesia to do a course, then depending if I can get a working holiday visa go over to Australia, to work, travel and spend a bit of time out there with him before we can come back together.

Whenever I explain to people that my partner is on the other side of the world, I seem to get negative responses, even strangers tried to say said it won’t work.

Some even have the nerve to suggest he can’t be faithful. I try not to get too upset because only I know our relationship, but its just so rude and I can’t stand people thinking they have the right to say this to me. Does anyone else get this a lot?

Sorry for the long post, just wanted to give you a bit of background!