Mixed emotions

My feelings are so jacked up right now.. I'm 5 days away from testing for the last time before we have our appointment with Reproductive Endocrinology to try something new like <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. We been ttc for over 3 years, 12 rounds of letrozole, 4 rounds of clomid, 2000mg metformin daily, 1 hsg, 1 sonohyst, surgery in july to remove endometrial polyp...I'm tired. As much as I want this to work so we don't have to move to the "next step", I'm excited about trying something new, but I'm pissed that I even have to move on, and I'm scared that it may not work and we cant afford <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>...

Y'all...I'm a mess😫😫 I've never crossed my fingers so hard hoping that I get 2 lines this weekend. How great would it be to be able to call and cancel my appointment?!?! *siigghhh*

Please throw me any extra baby dust y'all have..say a prayer...cross a finger...anything to help lol!!

Thanks for letting me vent😭