Tomorrow is D-Day for our 🌈 baby

Merrisika 🌈 baby 9/17/19

Ladies and gentlemen I’m full with joy and tears as I write this last post before our baby boy is welcomed into this world. Even thought we’ve waited this moment for 37 weeks and 1 day but it seems so much longer after loosing our daughter in Sept (stillbirth) almost a year ago. I am so grateful to have read and follow so many of your stories and so many of you have followed my story! Our miracle has made it this far and I just pray for a safe and speedy delivery. If you all believe in prayer please pray for us! In less that 9 hours we’ll be heading to the hospital for my induction! This family of 3 will merge into a family of for! Qadir has already been such a blessing to us and he’s not even here yet! Here’s my last pictures I took today! When God is for you, who can be against you?!

As you can see from the picture he has dropped so much! Basically sitting in my lap lol!