Delivery guests??


I was just curious on some outside opinions on who you have in the delivery room.

My wife and I decided we just want it to be the two of us, we are first time moms and it obviously took a lot to get pregnant so it’s just and experience we want to do on our own together. We don’t want anyone coming up to the hospital at any point. No cell phones, no constantly updating people, no entertaining guests, no worrying about any one but us and our baby. We have told everyone they can come to our house as soon as we are home.

Well I told my family this back in MARCH and mom cried and is STILL upset about our decision. Stating she feels like I am shutting her out because we want this experience to be just ours and that I’m being selfish.

For a little background my mom, dad, gpa, and 4 sisters all live within an hour of us, this would be her 3rd grandchild, my wife’s family is a few states away but agreed not to fly down until the week after birth to give us time with our new son no problem.

Are we wrong in our decision? I don’t want to have this like animosity but at the same time I feel like it’s our decision