Birth Story


Last night (08/29/19) at 7pm my mom took my husband and I to the hospital to start my induction. At 9pm they started to soften my cervix with 2 pills (I was at 1.5cm and 50% effaced)... By Midnight I was having contractions every 5 minutes and got a small dose of pain medication so I could get some rest. At 7:45am my OB came in and broke my water (I was 3.5cm dilated and 70% effaced). About 1 hour later my contractions were every minute and lasting 30-45 seconds... I was in sooo much pain and extremely tired that I did end up getting the epidural at 8:50am. I fell asleep and around 10:30am I could feel pressure so my husband

went and got my nurse... I was 10cm dilated, 100% effaced, and Baby L was making her way into this world!

By 11:01am I had successfully pushed a beautiful 7lb 10oz baby girl into this world!

Please say hello to...


Big Brother meeting sister for the first time!