Treating & Work


Hi gals!

Just wondering where you all land on this. I’ve been going through treatments trying to get my body to ovulate - 3 rounds of Clomid and now on to my second round of letrozol. Obviously I’ve had a few appointments that are really short notice and most of them I can usually pass off as my lunch break. However some I can’t and I hate leaving work early saying I have a doctors appointment all the time. I just feel badly.

I guess the rambling question in all of this, is at what point do I tell my boss what’s going on? Obviously I’m not going to keep up these appointments forever - I think my doctor said we can only do the letrozol 4 cycles in a row and if I’m still not ovulating it may be time to move on to <a href="">IVF</a> or Adoption. But I know both of those will be time consuming as well. I guess I just don’t want to upset anyone or make them uncomfortable unnecessarily.

Do you gals have any advice? ❤️