Possible TMI Post

AC • ?

Okay this may be TMI but I was supposed to start my period August 30th. I started to spot at 4:30pm. The whole day, is spot, stop, etc... (only when I wiped). My fiancé and I ended up having sex and then I started to bleed. I thought this might have been the “month.” Well, usually when I start...I have clots. This month I haven’t had not one at all. I’m bleeding but it’s light. YeS, you can see it on a pad but it’s not super red and bright like usual.

I guess my question is...HAS anyone had this type of bleeding and become pregnant? I have a 4 year old now and I’m to the point where I don’t even want to test to see and get disappointed again. My nipples still hurt and that usually goes away when my period comes. Any input or positivity will do! Thanks ladies.