Made it to 37 weeks!


I posted a week ago about how at 35w, my dr checked my cervix and found that I was 6cm dilated but baby was still posterior (up high where they couldn’t feel her head when checking), about my preterm labor scare and how I ultimately ended up going home since there were no changes in my cervix and all contractions stopped.

Last week at my 36w appointment, my cervix was back down to 3cm dilated, which was frustrating, but my dr said sometimes, as rare as it is, it just happens. Best explanation he could give me was that the baby may have moved in a weird way that irritated my cervix.

At my appointment today, my doctor found that I’m back to 6cm dilated and baby is very low, so finally down where she needs to be. But since I’m not in any pain or having any other signs of labor, they sent me home and told me to rest up because they don’t think I’ll be making it to my appointment next Tuesday, but if by chance she doesn’t come on her own by next week, I’ll be scheduled for induction on the 18th because we’re both measuring so big. 🎉 Looks like the end is finally in sight for me! 🙌🏻