Last night I was getting ready to put my baby to sleep and breastfeed him I had him on my bed and I was pulling my shirt down when I accidentally hit him with my elbow either in his forehead or right eye. He started to Cry and scream something I have never heard come from him he was even trying to catch his breath he did this for about 5 minutes I was sooo scared I handed him to my fiancé I immediately felt like a terrible mother. My fiancé was trying to help soothe baby and myself. It was an awful night something I hope to never hear from my son again. After a few minutes of intense crying I put him on my breast and he fell to sleep and everything went back to normal. I’m just a very concerned mom that hopes and prays that cry never comes out of him again it was very scary felt like I had done way worse to him. Btw it is the next day and everything is back to normal he even slept good through out the night. I just wanted to rant because I felt like the most terrible mother on the planet 😢 Has anyone experienced something like this? I pray no one does it was an awful feeling.