My monthly pattern is off...

I have super regular periods/cycles and I can generally anticipate what’s going to happen at what point in the month. Generally after my period ends I’m in a really good mood, I get super motivated and productive, etc. Then around my fertile window that continues, AND my sex drive skyrockets. This is always when my husband and I have the most amazing sex. Then after ovulation my sex drive usually goes down, and my mood usually gets progressively worse and worse, and I usually end up in a depressive episode 3-5 days before my period. Then it ends when my period ends, and the cycle starts again.

Ok, I’m on CD10 right now. 4 days before ovulation. I’m in my fertile window. I’m beyond depressed, anxious, and I couldn’t care less about sex. I’m so upset because this is the time of the month where I usually get some relief from feeling crappy. I get to be productive at work, feel good about myself and my life, and bond sexually with my husband. Why am I not feeling any of that this month....? 😭😓