Am I crazy and overreacting?!

Dana • Wife 11.21.11 - Mom of Rae 8.14.16 & Jax 9.6.19

Ok so to make a long story short I was scheduled to be induced at 38 weeks which is Thursday 9/5. I went to my OB appointment today and when they called to confirm with L&D they said that they had over scheduled and needed to bump me to Friday for induction. A little disappointing for me but what’s one day. I was also told that if any slots freed up prior, I would be notified and moved up.

I text my mother and MIL to let them know of the change, and here were the reactions.

MIL: “Yay! Friday baby!!”! (What I consider to be a normal reaction)

My mother: “JFC. I got off work for Friday 🤬. You have no clue what a PIA and an ordeal it is.” (Not fucking normal right?)

Well I lost my shit. I told her to fuck herself and that the world doesn’t revolve around her. Like I’m aggravated to but there’s nothing I can do about. I didn’t make the decision. I’m now losing out on days of pay because my maternity leave doesn’t kick in until I actually give birth.

Like am I the one that’s crazy? It just made me so mad that she immediately makes it about herself. Like what about me????

How would you react????

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