How can I induce my labor😭


I'm 4 days past my due date, I had an appointment today with my obgyn but they closed the office due to a hurricane that isnt even effecting us. Today we were supposed to schedule a date to induce me. I've done everything like evening primrose oil, essential oils, walking for MILES, bouncing on a yoga ball, excercise bike, walking up and down stairs, sex, spicy food, nipple stimulation, swimming.. etc.

Last week I was dilated 1cm but it's been 7 days since that appointment. My baby is estimated to weigh 8.5 lbs and is completely healthy. 2 days ago my lower back was killing me and my stomach was tightening all day and I had these weird pains in my hips (more like the crease of the thigh to vagina) because I was walking A LOT but I laid down and it mostly went away so I was waiting til my appointment today to see if it was progress. I didnt think they were contractions because they were painful but not like "period cramps" like everyone says... plus I havent felt them since that day that they were that bad...

Any suggestions on what worked for you??