Labor Day baby delivery story

Tiera • Pregnant with a Prince 🤴🏼

I was scheduled for induction Thursday, which was my actual

Due date. I kept saying that I just want him to come on his own, ohhhh but he did lol

I was dilated 4cm for two weeks. Yesterday, around 5 am I started having contractions but nothing regular and obviously Bearable. So I took my butt back to sleep. 7:15 am started getting stronger, so I opened up my contraction app and started timing them. They were getting longer and coming closer together. I had a doctors appt at 9 am. I was pacing the floor just saying, I’ll go to my doctors appt and see what he says. I really didn’t want to be sent home YET AGAIN. My mom insisted I called my doctor, they instructed me to go to the hospital at 8:28. I got here around 9:15. They checked me and I was 6 cm. My first question was WHEN CAN I GET MY EPIDURAL... they said I had to wait for my blood work to come back BLAH BLAH BS. By this time it’s 9:45 am. I asked again, she checked me and I was 8 cm. I instantly started crying because I knew I wasn’t getting a damn epidural. 10:15 she checked me again and I was 9.5 with an immediate urge to “poop”, she called my doctor in and like 6 other nurses came in and I knew it was go time. Praying I wouldn’t be pushing forever because those contractions were kicking my ass. My doctor walked in at 10:21, suited up and said... I need you to push. I pushed twice through one contraction and at 10:26 my SONSHINE was born! Literally it all happened to fast!!! Not how I wanted it to happen but blessed none the less.

He was 6 pounds 12 ounces and 18 inches of beautiful mulatto goodness. ☺️☺️