
So my husband's baby mama called him today to tell him that their son said that he wanted to kill himself. (He lives in another state and his ex hates me so we don't get to see him often.) He is four! And then she continues to say it is all his fault. It is no way her fault (who threatened her life with a knife with her son standing right in front of her) no not her fault. It is the guy that you kicked out twice (once with their kid cause she didn't feel like being a mom for a couple of months) and will barley let him see his son on his birthday because you hate the fact that he moved on and didn't wait for you when you wanted to sleep around for a year. Of course it is all his fault. It is also because my husband let's his son watch power rangers. Umm.... when in the power rangers does it ever even mention the word suicide? Much less kill?!

Girls, she blames him if she can't pay rent on time! He doesn't even live with her! And she lives in the cheaper state. I just don't understand why you can't take a little blame since according to you, you are raising him all on your own. I just don't get it. You won't let him have his father and then tell your son that his dad hates him. Like really? Why do you have to be mean to this kid and selfish? Guys, this kid is the happiest kid ever! He is always smiling and telling jokes or stories. And when we see him he behaves with us and is polite and kind. Then suddenly he goes back to her and two weeks later he is saying bitch and this kind of stuff. Something is going on that we are not being told. I am just so mad.

Thanks for letting me rant

We are currently finding a good lawyer to fight for custody. I am just so done with her telling my husband he is a terrible dad/ person and hurting this child emotionally.

CPS is supposed to visit her house but this will be the second time that they will visit her house. She is good at manipulating people