Extreame Anxiety 😫 Help!!!


Okay moms bare with me.

I am haveing horrible anxiety! I am 38 weeks pregnant with my third, with my other two children my first i was in the hospital when my water broke and her head littertly engaged and it was time to push, i went from a 3 to a 10 in an hour.

With my son i was induced (they broke my water) 2 days before my due date due to my blood pressure not going down and with him also labored extreamly fast like 4 hours later he was here.

I am SO SO SO scared to go into natural labor myself at home because of the fact that during the day i am left with no vehicle while my bf takes it to work and left with my two children. Calling for a ride is kind of hard as my family lives an hour away and with how fast i go im scared someone wont make it to me in time to take me to the hospital 😫.

Im scared ill panic when my water breaks and he will come shortly after that.

Anyway to ease my mind? After your water broke did you still have a good amount of time until baby was here?

Also another question, can i electivly ask for an induction at 39 weeks and get my doc to approve of it? I have been reading alot that the risks for still birth or complications go up when you pass 39 weeks.